Результат проверки: Start scanning '/*bombat**/public_html'. Found *** files in ** directories. ***.*% [/*bombat**/**index.php] *** of ***. [Avg: *** *s] [Mlw:*|*] Loaded ****** known files Building report [ mode = * ] Building list of vulnerable scripts * Building list of shells ** Building list of js * Building phishing pages * Building list of iframes * Building list of base**s * Building list of redirects * Building list of unread files * Building list of symlinks * Building list of unix executables and odd scripts * Building list of *adware * Building list of heuristics * Building list of hidden files * Building list of bigfiles * Building list of php inj * Building list of empty links * Building list of doorways * Building list of php warnings * Building list of skipped dirs * Report written to '**AI-BOLIT-REPORT-__-*****-**-**-****_**-**.html'. Scanning complete! Time taken: * s |